Staff Bios

Andy Haberman

I am a third year biology student at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. I grew up in Connecticut where I took a particular interest in marine biology. After spending four years in prep school on Cape Cod I found that the ocean is one of my greatest passions. One of the most fulfilling experiences during my prior trips to Hawaii was in taking part in numerous turtle rescues. Marine biology along with my love for ecology and nature made working for Deep Ecology an obvious advantage and opportunity. I eagerly look forward to the challenge that Deep Ecology will surely provide



Captain Ken Nichols | Pat Johnson | Captain Juan Oliphant | Captain Christopher Lolley | Captain Paul Bradbury | Daniel Morse | Annie Petrasch | Andy Haberman | Antoinne Lum | Jennifer Raymond | Brad Danielson | Jennifer Homcy | Jade Berman | Main Page

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