Christmas In Palestine 2/74a.jpg

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Here I am with a man who gave me a Palestinian tie bracelet.

I am honored to be able to relate to non-white people as I do. I think the tattoo's are a part of it; I simply do not look like your average white boy. My style of speaking is brutally honest and I am not prone to diplomatic speak at all. This is regarded as quite "impolite" and politically incorrect in the West but with oppressed peoples I have met it is genuinely refreshing for them to hear a white man speak so forcefully.

Aside from that I do not deny or hide my anger and it shows ever so clearly when I speak; oppressed people know this anger all to well, and they are not offended by it.

However, I state clearly once again; I am not capable of letting my anger become hate, which is to me all consuming. I use my anger intelligently and therefore it becomes very powerful for the purposes of Truth Justice & Peace. And this understanding and strategy is what I always try to communicate to my oppressed brothers and sisters; at the same time I do not deny their right to resist; just as the Founding Fathers of America did.