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Our hosts in Der Balut.

Having no accommodation set up in Der Balut we were to find our first hosts whom we had just met; yet they opened their home to us. I make clear that we discussed life in general and the effects of occupation. These people along with virtually everyone we met simply wanted self determination and peace. In fact one of the great ironies about Palestinians is the considerable Western belief that these people are inherently violent; bullshit.

The Palestinian people want peace more than any petition signing protestor of the West; they want peace so bad it hurts. And when we realize this we understand that the excuses made to justify their oppressive occupation and our nations tacit support for it is nothing short of criminal. And worthy of massive civil disobedience and more from all Westerners who truly care.

Why do I bring up the "West" so much? Is it because I see no fault in the rest of the world? Absolutely not. It is simply because the West is undoubtedly responsible for centuries of rape and plunder and I happen to come from the West. I take some of the responsibility for my actions of my ancestors and the legacy they created no matter how unpopular that thought is to most in the West.

The key to a better world in my opinion hinges on the accelerated developement of the collective conscience of the West. Understand me and you will understand the venom I employ and the targets I choose; namely our farce "democracies" built on a foundation of lies. And "democracies" puppets who prostitute themselves for tyrants; Bush and Blair being two such prostitutes.