'World Citizen' Social Contract'
I Ken O'Keefe hereby affirm my status as a human being.

I hereby declare my oath of allegiance to truth, justice and peace, in that order, for my entire human family.

I hereby recognise planet Earth, absent of the illusory borders and restrictions, as my home.

I hereby claim my birthright, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I hereby 'serve NOTICE' to the nation/state(s) of which I have been a citizen, that I am from this day forward, first and foremost, a 'world citizen'.

Accordingly, I hereby affirm my full intention to exercise my birthright and fulfill my obligations' as a world citizen, specifically, my obligation to protect and defend humanity’s collective birthright.

I hereby 'renounce' any and all contracts and/or obligations as a nation/state citizen or otherwise that are injurious to my rights and obligations as a world citizen.

I hereby profess my loyalty and commitment to the ‘Golden Rule’ of ‘do unto others as I would have them do unto me.’

‘Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,...’ * (UDHR Preamble, paragraph 1)

Whereas at birth I was entered into a social contract that bound me to matters for which I could not possibly consider nor consent;

Whereas irrevocable contracts require all parties to enter conscientiously, of their own free will, absent of coercion, duress and/or fraud. I hereby affirm that I am not bound, nor liable for any obligations for which I was entered into at birth or which caused me to unwittingly relinquish my birthright.

From this day forward all contracts to which I was a party are null and void if they in any way conflict with my obligations as a world citizen.

If any party believes this to be a lawful breach of my obligations then they are hereby required to formally object in writing within the terms of the 30 Day Objection Period as follows.

______signed Ken O'Keefe_____ _

world citizen #0010000

This social contract is posted as a PUBLIC NOTICE to the world wide web with an objection period of not less then 30 days.

Any objections to the above social contract must be received in writing within the 30 DAY OBJECTION PERIOD beginning January 30th, 2012.

Failure to object shall result in tacit consent.
