July 1, 2002
From Kenneth Roy Nichols

"Once inside the body, DU causes a slow death from cancers, irreversible kidney damage or wastage from immune deficiency disorders. In the UK (with far less combat soldiers than the US), there are more than 400 veterans who are estimated to have died from "Gulf war syndrome." - Dr. Durakovic - Professor of Nuclear Medicine, Georgetown University & Former Head of Nuclear Medicine, US Army Veterans Affairs Medical Facility in Delaware

Upon returning I was among "America's finest" greeted by massive ticker tape parades and euphoric jingoism extolling the defenders of law over tyranny, the "heroes" as we were parroted.

"A new study by federal researchers has found that babies born to Gulf War veterans suffer a greater number of certain kinds of birth defects than children of non-Gulf War veterans." - CNN Washington December 8, 1997

My baby at three months old; dead. Dec. 1997

"More and more cases of birth defects are coming to the forefront. Some parents have also had miscarriages or become infertile following service in the Gulf. The wives of some veterans have complained that their husband's semen caused a 'burning' sensation."
Hilary Meredith - Veteran Liaison, Manchester England

I cannot emphasize enough the amount of terrible grief this miscarriage had on my wife and myself. I can only imagine what Iraqi mothers and fathers were experiencing.

More Birth Defects Found in Gulf War Babies
The rising number of cases in Iraq, particularly in the South where the greatest concentration of DU was fired, is simply staggering. Iraqi physicians have never encountered anything like it, and have made the perfectly reasonable point that similar increases in cancer and deformities were experienced in Japan after
the two US atomic bomb attacks. Cancer has increased between 7 and 10 fold; deformities between 4 and 6 fold. - LIFE magazine November 1995

Dr. Durakovic and his team's findings regarding Gulf War Syndrome have been verified by four independent experts, yet your defense department has consistently refused to test Gulf war veterans for DU. Blood is on your hands. But this is nothing new; experimenting on humans is old hat. Pulitzer Prize winning author Eileen Welsome learned just how hard it is to find out what your government doesn't want its own "heroes" to know. But she did so anyway. Searching out secrets dating back fifty years, to the dawn of the atomic age, she made quite a discovery indeed.

"I had come across a footnote in a scientific report describing 18 humans who had been injected with plutonium during the Manhattan Project.

Iraqi Child with unknown white substance covering almost the whole body. Severe deformities of mouth and eyes. The welts appear to indicate open wounds, or unformed skin tissue. May 1992.

The names of the scientists and the names of the patients were blacked out. And I was simply horrified. I wanted to find out who they were, why were they injected, did they develop cancer, did they have pain? What happened to them and why was it done?"

Iraqi child. Extreme hydrocephalus; deformity of face, body
and ear. The line running down the right hand side of the
head would appear to show that potentially two heads were
forming. May 1992.

Welsome did find out who they were. Many did develop cancer, there was pain, and some did die. As for myself and the rest of the guinea pig heroes you have violated so grossly, our suffering strengthens the horrendous legacy of the true America. Having been experimented on myself, I would argue that the Manhattan Project subjects (guinea pigs) were injected because America's government has no regard for human life whatsoever, not even their own, or any life for that matter.

The rising number of cases in Iraq, particularly in the South where the greatest concentration of DU was fired, is simply staggering. Iraqi physicians have never encountered anything like it, and have made the perfectly reasonable point that similar increases in cancer and deformities were experienced in Japan after the two US atomic bomb attacks. Cancer has increased between 7 and 10 fold; deformities between 4 and 6 fold.

Yet the US was well aware of the potential effects on civilians and military personnel of the chemical toxicity and radiological properties of DU ammunition long before the Gulf war began. - CNN - December 8, 1997

The horrifying reality of these birth defects is that midwives are purported to have said they no longer look forward to births as.... "We don't know what's going to come out."


Iraqi child with extreme hydrocephalus,
and defects of cerebral nerves. May 1992.





"There is no provision in the Nuremberg Code that allows a country to waive informed consent for military personnel or veterans who serve as human subjects in experiments during wartime or in experiments that are conducted because of threat of war. However, the UNITED STATES Department of Defense (DOD) has recently argued that wartime experimental requirements differ from peacetime requirements for informed consent. According to the Pentagon, "In all peacetime applications, we believe strongly in informed consent and its ethical foundations.....But military combat is different." - Human Research Subject Protection Program

When the Nazi's experimented on the Jews nearly sixty years ago it was a War Crime. What should we call it when the U.S. Government does this to its own people today?

· war crime. Conduct that violates international laws governing war. o Examples of war crimes are the killing of hostages, abuse of civilians in occupied territories, abuse of prisoners of war, and devastation that is not justified by military necessity. Black's Law Dictionary - Seventh Edition

"The FDA ruling required the military to fully inform U.S. troops about the side effects of the substances, keep records of everyone who received them, and monitor the health of the troops. Pentagon officials acknowledged the military did not follow those requirements. Some military officials thought the pill and vaccines were secret (oh really) and did not keep records of who received them. In other cases, troops medical records were lost, and troops self-administered the anti-nerve agent pills." CNN - March 27, 1996

So there is simply no need to debate whether the U.S. Government conducted human experiments. But is it possible that the U.S. Government did not know the effects of radiation exposure from DU? Shocking as it sounds to most people, your government has openly admitted that it conducted human experiments on U.S. citizens as well, again without their knowledge. Not only were these experiments conducted, but they were systematically done over several decades

"Along with methodological and historical descriptions, topical discussions, and records series descriptions, the Roadmap included summaries of approximately 150 human radiation experiments associated with DOE (UNITED STATES Department of Energy) and its predecessors. Those summaries are included here, along with summaries of over 275 additional studies that have since been identified, documented, and confirmed. Taken together, these summaries describe a wide range of activities from the early 1940s through the early 1970s." - Ellyn R. Weiss, Special Counsel and Director - Office of Human Radiation Experiments U.S. Department of Energy - July 1995

The knowledge gained from these human experiments means that the use of Depleted Uranium in Iraq, Puerto Rico, or the Balkans is with full knowledge of the effect on human health. In other words, the U.S. Government all the way to the top approved the horrendous birth deformities in Iraq.

· crime against humanity. Int'l law. A brutal crime that is not an isolated incident but that involves large and systematic actions often cloaked with official authority, and that shocks the conscience of humankind. · Among the specific crimes that fall within this category are mass murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts perpetrated against a population, whether in wartime or not. - Black's Law Dictionary - Seventh Edition

This baby was born to a US Gulf veteran.

"In a veteran's community in Mississippi, 67% of the children were born without eyes, ears, brain, thyroid and other organ malformations. In Bosnia after the NATO war (in which more DU was used), there was a massive rise of instant deaths for huge numbers of people in the war zone (acute radiation poisoning). Alterations in plant, animal and a horrendous rise of birth defects has been reported. Veterans with Gulf War Syndrome report symptoms similar to the Iraqi and Bosnian groups, namely multiple organ failure, AIDS like syndrome with very low immunity." - Dr. Hari Sharma - University of Waterloo

"I doubt whether the MoD (British Military) or the Pentagon will have the audacity to challenge these results. I can't say this is the solitary cause of Gulf war syndrome, but we now have clear evidence that it is a leading factor in the majority of victims.

I hope the US and UK governments finally realize that, Severe deformity of arms, this baby by continuing to use this ammunition, they are effectively poisoning their own soldiers." - Dr. Durakovic

Dr. Durakovic subsequently fled the US because of threats against his life "if he was to continue his research."

As if all this were not enough, I was one of hundreds of thousands who received a battery of immunizations and pills, specifically pyridostigmine bromide pills and anthrax and botulinum toxoid vaccines. These pharmaceutical creations were supposedly meant to protect us against chemical and biological weapons. That is far from true, but I am quite sure that these pharmaceutical companies did quite well financially "protecting" the roughly 600,000 guinea pigs in uniform. In reality, it is these same protective immunizations and pills that are admitted as experimental and now we find, are directly linked to Gulf War syndrome.

The anti-nerve agent pill and vaccine are (and were during the Gulf War) considered "investigational drugs," which means they are not approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration as safe and effective for use on troops without their informed consent.
CNN - March 27, 1996

I was not informed nor consented. Fuck you in the biggest way for that. How dare you. Not even Milosovic presided over human experiments. Here are the results.

It is worth noting that no French troops have reported symptoms of Gulf War Syndrome. Perhaps that might be because they were not "protected" with the experimental shots and pills like their British and American counterparts?

I have just provided proof that your government knowingly gave me experimental "immunizations." Even Nazi's would have condemned experiments on

My baby at three months old; dead. Dec. 1997

Nazi's, but you did it to your "nations finest." Both are equally vile. Most people in the world consider human experiments to be beyond any possible justification, including me. Human Experimentation is a serious Crime Against Humanity and justice demands these charges be brought against the U.S. Logically, the "Commander and Chief" (Bush Sr.) of the US military would be responsible, after all, he was the commander and chief.

When the world reaches sanity, good ole daddy Bush will take his rightful place as a full-fledged War Criminal extraordinaire, along with virtually every other living US president. In fact, daddy Bush has already been found guilty of war crimes in 1989 for "excessive use of force" in Nicaragua, by essentially the same court trying Milosovic now. But instead of prison, an American president like Bush responds to such annoyances by increasing the "use of force" in Nicaragua and killing even more people. Just to make sure the world knows full well who is in charge.

Comparisons to Nazi's are something you should get accustomed to. As you well know, I am only scratching the surface... continue