P10K Launch September 11, 2004

"Terrorism is the best political weapon, for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death." - Adolf Hitler

Why is P10K launching on September 11, 2004?
Because "Peace" is to my mind the end result of a process. The first step in this process is recognition of the truth. Once the truth be known, justice, not vengeance, becomes possible. And only when we have justice, will "Peace" be obtainable. Currently our world is ruled by lies (the "news"), injustice ("security") and war ("Liberation", "freedom", etc.) And the biggest lie of all? September 11, 2001 (9-11).

Until we reveal the truth of 9-11, we are doomed to suffer from the insane policies that emanate from it. These policies that are fast creating a clash of civilizations, policies that seriously tempt World War III; and who will profit from that? Right now we are pawns in a destructive agenda that intends to further divide humanity so that a tiny minority of greedy and pathetic individuals who so desperately desire to maintain their ever loosening desperate grip on us, 9-11 reveals just how desperate they are.

My Direct Charge of the United States Government - at the least, the United States Military and Government, at top levels, was complicit with 9-11; at the worst these traitors actively participated in 9-11 in order to justify the rape and plunder that has followed, and which is laid out ever so clearly in documents from the Project for a New America Century and 'The Grand Chessboard'... as just two examples.And I hereby challenge anyone on this planet to debate me on this issue, in a fair forum of proper length, with equal time to speak. And if anyone has the guts to do so, I will make a complete fool of them.

I state loud and clear, I am not with you Mr. Bush, you are a first class traitor and Vietnam War deserter. And to those who follow this embarrassment, while waving that flag no less, your ignorance threatens all that is good about America. "Democracy" is a lie, John

'The War on Freedom' - written by P10K Official Adviser Nafeez Ahmed

"The nations of the world have a decision to make, either you're with us, or you're with the terrorist."
George W. Bush

Kerry is not a real alternative, he is Skull and Bones option #2, America's "elections" are just like any Banana Republic, and to not see this is pure blindness. Wake up America, before it is too late.

I could cite many aspects of this day that all point incriminatingly to the United States Government, including the de facto president Bush, but for the purposes of this web page I shall point to one single issue, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's). SOP's dictate that fighter jets are scrambled immediately upon a single passenger jet deviating from its flight plan and cutting off radio contact. There are multitudes of safeguards that make deviation from these SOP's impossible without top level interference.

'February 26, 1993: An attempt to blow up the WTC fails. 6 people are killed in the misfired blast. The New York Times later reports a curious story about an undercover agent who ends up being the key government witness in the trial against the bomber. This agent, Emad Salem, says that the FBI knew about the attack beforehand and told him they would thwart it by substituting a harmless powder for the explosives. However, this plan was called off by an FBI supervisor, and the bombing was not stopped. [New York Times, 10/28/93] Ramzi Yousef, (close ties to bin Laden/ISI) is found guilty of masterminding the plot, [Congressional Hearings, 2/24/98] yet the actual "perpetrators" appear to be innocent "scapegoats". The FBI's own senior explosives expert, testifies that the FBI concocted misleading scientific reports and pressured two of their scientists to perjure their testimony. The FBI also intimidated defense attorneys, and breached court orders in an attempt to prejudice the jury.'
UnansweredQuestions.org (http://www.unansweredquestions.org/background_44.shtml)

If SOP's had been followed on 9-11, there is simply no way this day of infamy would have played out so dramatically. We are told that the entire system of SOP's broke down in some unexplainable way. That not one, but four passenger jets can be hijacked with two of them slamming into the Twin Towers, the entire world watching, and not one jet is scrambled while a remaining passenger jet is flying full speed towards the most secure air space on the planet, Washington D.C.. It is the 'Northwoods' document come to life, the 'necessary illusion' intended to 'manufacture consent' so the "War on Terror" could be born. A highly profitable endeavor for those who control the White House and Downing Street. This lie is to be exposed once and for all.

For those who still think it impossible for America's own to betray the nation and sacrifice its citizens I highly recommend you look at the following link, it is a relatively brief yet extremely compelling counterview to the western media version of events; http://www.unansweredquestions.org/top_11.html.

The cycle of violence our nations instigate and accelerate to the benefit of a tiny few is sheer madness and September 11, 2004 is the right time to end the insanity. We must demand policies that recognize the root causes of terrorism; namely the denial of Inherent Human Rights.

Democracy demands representation and let us from this day forward reject the unacceptable choices before us. Let us dictate our terms based on a sanity that provides every human being with what we all deserve; respect. Let September 11, 2004 ignite absolute rejection for the insanity of the last three years in favor of the dawn of a better world in which Truth Justice & Peace can finally prevail.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
'PREAMBLE - Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,...'

Its just that simple; to eliminate injury to Human Rights is to end terrorism. Three years is long enough, September 11, 2004 shall signify the end of the insanity.