Making History

"Never underestimate the power of a small group of individuals to change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead

P10K - it began with one, became two and then three and more; and it is instructive to realise that all of humanities great deeds began as ideas. But great ideas are a dime a dozen really, it is the effort, faith and will to make the idea a reality that has the power to turn great ideas into great deeds.

I believe in P10K so deeply that I am prepared to see the P10K concept succeed in life or death, I have no doubt of its potential and with every passing day more and more people are realising that this rather simple strategy holds more power then anything else put on the table. And I will debate this conclusion with anyone, if their is a better idea to affect justice and peace then let us discuss it. And if not then let us make P10K a reality.

But here come the cynics, crying on cue;"10,000 people will never come!", "the Israeli's won't let you in"; and my response to them, in my undiplomatic and ex-military jargon, "Bullshit", they damn well will unless they listen to you and your apologist, apathetic babble. If Gandhi had listened to the cynics of his time he would have never even confronted the tyrannical British Empire. I am no Gandhi, nor Mandela but I am not blind to their examples.

I have to say, I have little to no patience for cynics, they pervade human society and their presence within the so-called "Anti-war/globalization" movement is a serious comfort to the tyrants of our world. In fact, the tyrant has no greater friend and ally then the cynic. If it were not for these eternal pessimists we would have long since solved most of the world's problems.

Reality Check - the greatest obstacles we have are the ones we create in our own minds, this is where the real revolution is. And when we win this battle within our minds we begin to fathom our individual and collective power, an infinite power forged out of humanity united, united for the common good we have for so long and so foolishly denied ourselves. Working 40 hours plus a week (if we are "lucky") doing some bullshit job just so we can go into debt and look back on our lives with regret for not doing this, and not doing that. Dedicating our lives to the lie of "prosperity" when in fact we are nothing but slaves to a system that maintains a world of multi-billionaires alongside starving humans to the tune of 33,000 a day.

Well some of us are sane enough to know that true happiness lies in the extent to which we serve our fellow human beings; not how much we can accumulate from them. Turn the world upside down and you begin to grasp what it is to be sane... and I have no doubt that there is more then 10,000 of us who can see this. There are at the minimum tens of millions of us in the west alone.

Out of the total western population of roughly 879 million, the P10K Force requires a mere one out of every 88,000 to make our force complete. And this conscientious group of people are simply upon arrival going to captivate the world and empower the rest of humanity in ways that will literally turn this world around.

Perhaps you one of the 673 people required for the P10K Force from the United Kingdom (pop. 59 million), 470 from Spain (pop. 41 million), 46 from New Zealand (pop. 4 million), 359 from Canada (pop. 31 million), 940 from Germany (pop. 82 million), 3 from Iceland (pop. 300 thousand), 46 from my ancestral nation of Ireland (pop. 4 million), 651 from Italy (pop. 57 million) and the list goes on. And if the United States cannot supply it's 3316 P10K Force participants (pop. 291 million) well I am quite sure the rest of the west can more than make up for it.

Given the magnitude of what the P10K Force will effect we should manage to come in such numbers that there will not be enough planes to fly us to the region. When we are forced to come in planes, trains, automobiles, ships, bicycles and by foot we will have proven our seriousness. P100K is worthy of our Mission and nobody will convince me otherwise. We can and will transcend our corrupt governments and prove to an entire region of people that we are in fact brothers and sisters in the human family; that we will not accept the illusion of "democracy" our criminal/politicians so hypocritically preach about. And we shall stand together in direct defiance of tyranny in all its forms. P10K is the beginning of the end to the madness that has dominated our world since the dawn of so-called "civilization." Enough is enough, no more excuses.

"Cynicism is
intellectual treason."
Norman Cousins

Norman Cousins

"Only free men can negotiate; prisoners cannot enter into contracts. Your freedom and mine cannot be separated."
Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela


Check the numbers for yourself, making the P10K Force a reality is more then realistic, it is "Downright easy!"