Truth Justice Peace
The Faces of Collateral Damage - Baghdad, March 2003


Feedback - Support

name: Dayton V. Joline, USA
message: It would appear that the majority of the "ultra-patriotic" and right-wing elements in our country, have no better argument than those used 40 years ago in the angst-ridden days of communism. The wheels of right propaganda work continuously to maintain the same tack they have for far too long - spouting phrases of "hippydom, tree-hugging, lesbian, spotty, vegetarian peacenik types.
It's time the American people woke up to the shambolic childishness of these out-dated and wildly misguided views about people who give a damn about the vast inequalities which the systems, they prop up with votes and taxes, perpetuate. The most common argument is 9-11 and that's exactly how the situation must be played by our government to allow this criminal procedure of war to take place. The balance is tipping in our favour now, for these arguments are becoming thinner and quieter with the blood of every man, woman and child that spills as a result of their ignorance and greed, be it a 'human shield' or a 'human being'. There are always other solutions, and our Government never intended to consider any other option.

name: Dave
message: I give your all credit, but I think your time would be better spent getting out of Iraq and sparing your families the chance you may get killed.

name: Palwesha Yusaf
message: To all the remarkable courageous and compassiionate people who are human shields in Baghdad in these foresaken times.
When Frodo laments to Gandalf that he wishes the ring had never come to him, Gandalf replies with "So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." And i only wish i was doing with the time that is givent o me, as you all are doing with yours.
I'm 18, just started university doing a communications degree in the hope that one day i will be a journalist, and will be in the centre of conflict hotspots. Sounds cliched, like a wannabe wonderwoman dream.
But if i'm accused of being a dreamer then im guilty as charged.
I asked my aprents if i could travel with you guys to be a human shield. And though they said "no, not till after uni", i was happy. Because that intial flash of fear that clouds every parents eye, was only fleeting, gone, in the blink of an eye.
I'll be there one day. I can only hope to achieve something remotely as noble and purely heroic as what you guys are doing. I was voted most likely to save the world, and it seems you guys are already doing it.
I pray for you all everynight, for your safety and for your lives. I pray that Allah/God/Jehovah will instil everlasting courage in the face of fury for the Iraqi people. And i pray for the truth. Contrary to the timeless quote "truth is always the first casualty of war", it seems it was declared DOA long before it began.
My lvoe pprayers and wishes go out to all of you for doing such a fantastic job. I'm sure you are a beacon of light to millions of people around the globe, and msot importantly, for the people mostblinded by darkness, the Iraqi people.

name: Heather Padden
message: I just want to say thank you for what you are doing, and that I stand in solidarity with you and all those fighting for peace.
Even if our leaders will not listen, it is so important that the message of peace is there to be heard. You are doing this, and I thank you for that.
Lest we forget the suffering of the Iraqi people. Lest we forget the children who have died at the hands of greed. Lest we forget their mothers and the pain they have been forced to endure.

name: Martha Mixon
message: I have come to rely greatly on your website, getting much of my information about the war from your links. Tonight I am having trouble accessing it through the home page, but was able to get via this page. I hope all the shields are safe. I am american, and am ashamed of my country.

name: Ute M Jeffers
message: I cannot but admire you for your courage and thank you for your humanitarian help and moral support to the Iraqi people I pray for an end to this nightmare and safety for you and the Iraqi people

name: Brenda Recall
message: Bless you all for what you are doing. This war has me so depressed I can barely get out of bed in the morning. I wish I had the courage to go over to Iraq but, I have a child and I can't do that. I will donate money though through PayPal.
I'm very sad and very depressed and am going to go cry now. I think what you are doing is wonderful.

name: George McFarland
message: Im fed up with the americans. They think they can do what they want but thay cant. You all have my support. I added your web site to my list of cool links on my yahoo profile. Your doing whats right for the good of mankind. keep it up.

name: Rosemary Williams
message: I send all my thoughts to those acting as human shields in Baghdad. I believe that this 'war' is totally wrong and I admire your courage and determination to do something about it.


Letters from the "land of the free"

name: Rod Dodsworth
message: Yo, wankers! With any luck Syria is next!

name: youre nightmare
message: you mother fuckers need to hurry and get in line to be blown up. you stupid ass ungrateful fucks. I hope you all die by coalition forces you fucking no life retards. If we dont get you during the war, we will get you after you sorry ass sandnigger lovin camel cock suckers!You are all doomed to hell , yes bombs coming to you!

name: James Lee
message: Just a word of advice. If you continue to approach my military men to insult them or worse, make sure I am not around to hear or see it. I am not as displined nor forgiving as they are.
Jim Lee

name: Cheryl Duerr
message: I am not an activitist, peace or otherwise. I suppose I am part of the "silent majority". Above all I am an American and a Christian. I support the war that has been waged against Iraq for what reasons I am sure you have heard and do not consider worthy. As an American, I believe you have the right to your opinion and the right to voice your opinion and/or protest in this country. However, when you leave the United States and stand with the enemy during war-time you are guilty of treason. The "human shields" who went to Iraq need to have their American citizenships revoked and forced to remain in Iraq. If they try to re-enter the U.S. they should be arrested and tried for treason.

name: frank white
message: How many of you motherfuckers were standing around the Presidential Palace on the Tigris River. When the bombs fell, would love to see you post some picture of the bombs flying toward you stupid fuckers.

name: ynottotttt
message: I am ecstatic that the Bush administaration is bombing Iraq - I wish for many huma shields to die... It takes guts!!! God bless America.

name: George Hatfield
message: Sadaam is/was the follow up from Adoph Hitler and Josef Stalin. You wankers will probably not even get the picture when you learn about the huge nuclear factory that the US Marine just found.

name: Luis Picanco
message: Human shields? not worth a damn in my opinion! We tested some of these so called human shields in secret trials in Aldershot, and whilst Guerdian readers and students were excellent shields when sticks and stones were used, their efficacy declined as we moved up to samurai swords, being only good enough to withstand one or two thrusts, against air rifles they were also prone to run away after the first pellet hit them in the eye or groin, and against grenades and other such modern arms they were next to useless. in conclusion, i would say that kevlar body armour is much more effective than human flesh in stopping modern ammunition*. *due to economic factors we were unable to test daisy cutters, cruise missiles or chemical and biological weapons on the human shields, however, now we are at war, we fully expect to be able to resume testing with the aid of the american forces' massive arms surplus. Indeed, they have so much spare ammunition that they can waste it shooting at our troops as well as at the locals!

name: Jerry D. Erickson
message: Pull your heads out of the sand Human Idiots. This is not about oil-we havent taken any and dont plan on taking any. Its about ridding the world of a modern day Adolf Hitler. Personally, I hope everyone of you idiots gets in the line of fire. Your sacrifice will soon be forgotten.

name: The good guys
message: It's hippies like you that will be first againts the wall when i'm in charge ;)

name: juan colorado
message: You guys are a bunch of wackos! all the injured people in iraq is the result of saddam firing missiles to it's own citizens and then they try to blame the liberartors.

name: True American
message: Please continue to put yourselves in harms way. Hopefully the aiming of bombs will improve and you'll dis-appear for good.

name: Peter
message: I am disgusted at your site. What if a kid came across the picture with the back of some kids head blown off! You should be ashamed. Nobody likes war, but you people seem to flaunt it. Give the dead people some diginity!
The arab countries are so desensitised by violence and war that they can handle these sick images, but not the civilised world here!! One things for sure, you people aren't!

name: Aaron Birt
message: To all American and coalition morons whom join this ridiculous "human sheilds" cause, I wish that you are in coalition bombs way. Sleeping with the bad guys is not cool here in the USA. To all you fucking idiots out there fuck you. I understand the people of Iraq has suffered from years of tyrannical opression, but in order for change we need to bomb and kill the existing regime. Good thought for your cause, but I think all americans and coalition people belonging to this cause need a slap in the head to understand what they are doing to the cause.

name: Carl Steplock
message: Human Shields = Ltest winners of the Darwin Awards!
Any more attempts at stopping a bulldozer with a face?

name: war lover
message: A good iraqi is a dead iraqi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

name: Jaric Fontaine
message: Do you think that you could get all the human shields together in one place? I'd donate money to your cause then. Then the U.S. can drop a MOAB and kill you all in one strike. I doubt any of you will actually stay in position when the bombs fall. I hope you all die.

name: Brian "Proud to be an american" Clayton
message: I would hope that you all go over to Iraq and become a human shield infront of the next target. Wake up and get your head out of your ass and smell the shit your dishing. I hope you liberal assholes all go to another contry if you dont like this one. and for that dumb ass at the water treatment plant, I hope he stays over there and continues sucking Saddams big fat dick!!!!!!!!! Fuck you all.

name: Rob
message: Did you realize, I am sure you did that you are posting pictures of dead children on your web site that are fakes!!. Bunch of hypocrites. Your group sounds like a front for Saddam's government. Hope your tax status is filed correctly. The FBI may be coming around. Losers.

name: C.J.
message: God bless America!if ya don't love it leave our great country has fought a just and the most humane a war could be fought it has been swift and presice....we are the greatest Democracy in the world..i live in the greatest state in the greatest country in our would "Sweet Home Alabama" if the world wants to take us come on everyone in my area is armmed very armed and its the safest place i could dream of living very little crime,low cost of living and great hunting and fishing...reallly you should visit some time.and last but least liberalism is a sickness best wishes to get over it ass wipe...come to bama i will be one of the thousands of rednecks with big trucks and big guns drinking bud waiting on the big peace protest.....the best way to avaid the wrath of this great nation is just " do whats right"i hate to see children hurt but it hurts me more to see my own country men killed becvause of a dictator like Saddam..wake up your smell the fucking coffee and once again God bless America and the day Commies like you are few and far in between

name: ILoveMyCountry
message: You people obviously do not understand what is going on in Iraq. With words such as "colonising" appearing on your website, your lack of intelligence needs to be addressed for your own good. The showing of only the most disgusting pictures is not only anti-war propaganda, but it is depraved. You are misleading people to think that the troops in Iraq are killing civilians intentionally. In fact, those very soldiers that are fighting--some of them dying, are doing so for YOUR OWN RIGHT to condemn them. You didn't think of that did you? Your organization is so selfish and arrogant that you would not even recognize those soldiers fighting for your rights. I would think that since you want peace so badly (as do I) you would agree that Saddam needs to be taken out of power. A few hundred or maybe even thousand of lives is DEFINATELY worth saving millions. Saddam has already destroyed two million of his own people in the middle east. And yes, freedom of the Iraqi people IS the reason for this war. We have already spent too much money on it for it to have ever been about war. I suggest that you get off of your high-horse, if you don't mind the cliche, and get back to the basics. Saddam must be taken out of power.

name: Go America
America is the greatest country in the world, God bless our troops over there, you people are idiots, get the fuck out!!

name: Disgusted with liberals
message: Waiting with anticipation for you clueless losers to nominate Rachel Corrie as "Patron Saint of Speedbumps"
That sign in Iraq summed it up quite eloquently: "Human Shields Go Home. You U.S. Wankers"
<snicker> and you use "Bombs Away" as a submit button...aren't you afraid one of you clowns is gonna be OFFENDED by that [gasp] war-like tone? ROFL

name: tim
message: When they drop the MOAB bomb on a few of you stupid motherfuckers. If the flim make it through the blast. Please post the pictures of the bomb coming towards you stupid fuckers. Thanks in advance, TimPS: What is the death toll among you human shields? Poll it as well, we would like like to track it as well

name: bill clinton
message: Please all of you go to Iraq and lay down in the way of a tank as they roll through northern Iraq now.

name: Anonymous
message: Do ya need any squishy chicks? I can bring my own orange vest. Can they just run over my belly, I can't afford a real abortion.

name: Saddam

name: Free Iraq
message: You are a bunch of wankers. Go hug a tree you morons.

name: hippie
message: I really do hope that all missiles miss Iraq and hit you then the world would be freed from another dickhead who wastes their time and my taxes